10 Ways to Practice Self-Care When You Have to Balance Your Budget

Self-care sounds like an expensive endeavor. Thankfully, it’s not. There are many ways to practice self-care, even if you don’t have a ton of money left over after each paycheck. Keep reading for 10 affordable self-care tactics to try that will make you feel like a million bucks.

Learn About Wellness

In all things, knowledge is power. Before you begin any self-care routine, it pays to work with experts who can help you understand why exactly things like nutrition and exercise are important. Connecting with experts who can help you tailor your wellness plan will set you up for success. And at Anam Cara Spa, we have a range of wellness services for men and women. 

Get Enough Sleep

You, no doubt, encourage your children to get their fair share of sleep each night. Well, it is not just kids and teenagers who can reap the rewards of 40 winks. Sleep helps your mind purge itself of the billions of bits of information it intakes each day. Plus, when you sleep, your body heals the tiny tears each muscle incurs with everyday movement. To get your best sleep, remove all electronics from your bedroom, turn the temperature down, and make sure it’s dark. If you’re concerned about not being able to see if you must get out of bed at night, a motion-activated night light is a smart addition to your bedroom.

Get Dressed

Wake up, take a shower, and put on new pajamas. That has been a routine for many of us since the beginning of the pandemic. But getting dressed is actually really good for you. Not only will you feel prepared for whatever the day may bring, but simply putting on your pants and your bra will encourage you to take on other healthy habits. If you want to take it a step further, do your hair and makeup, as well.

Take A Bath

It only costs a few cents to run a hot bath, but the benefits are immeasurable. Not only does submerging yourself in hot water burn up to 140 calories in an hour, but it’s also a great opportunity to wind down and relax before bed. Women’s Health points out that soaking in the tub will also relax your muscles and improve your blood pressure. You can use bath bombs, essential oils, candles, and bubble baths to enhance the experience. You also want to make sure that you have an excellent lotion or body balm on hand and use it directly after your bath. Your pores will be more open to your moisturizing efforts.

Go For A Walk

Walking is a free, fun, and fantastic way to exercise. A quick stroll through your neighborhood will get your heart pumping and may even help you see places you haven’t noticed before. You have an opportunity to meet the neighbors, and, if you have a dog, walking is a great bonding activity. A word of caution here, however, is to make sure that you have supportive shoes. If you’re not used to walking, ill-fitting shoes can cause plantar fasciitis or extensor tendonitis, both painful conditions that may limit your ability to exercise in the future.

Refresh Your Space

Our homes serve as our retreats from the world, but when our living space is cluttered, dirty or cramped, it can start to feel like the walls are closing in. Enough that everyone in the family feels the effects of all that negative energy. To ensure your home remains the comfortable haven it’s meant to be, enlist the entire family and take a long weekend to organize, clean and declutter your home from top to bottom. All of that hard work will pay off in a more orderly space, and it will hold more positive energythat will benefit the entire family. 

Turn The Phone Off

Have you ever heard of Screen-Free Week? If not, you should know that this is a seven-day period that starts at the end of spring each year. It is an opportunity to intentionally disengage from excessive screen time. According to Sonoma State University professor Mary E. Gomes, Ph.D., leaving your smartphone off can help you be more aware in the moment, improve your sleep, and help you break bad habits that impact your lifestyle.

Have A “Fancy”Night In

Dining out is an enjoyable activity. It’s also expensive. Instead of spending a small fortune or more on a night out, you can spend half of that having dinner for two with all the comforts of home. Look for ways to make your own dining room feel like a five-star restaurant. Folded cloth napkins, candles, and music in the background make a great complement to any meal that you would prepare. If you have kids, put them to bed early and enjoy a homemade cocktail with your spouse or partner to top off your perfect night.

Swap Childcare

Alone time is essential to our mental health. When you have children, it’s also elusive. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about arranging a beneficial childcare swap. You might take everyone’s children on a Monday for two hours and then drop your little ones off at the neighbor’s on Thursdays at lunch. Having even just a few hours to grocery shop, clean the house, or just relax is an amazing experience. And if you are ready to engage in self-care, having the time to do so is crucial.

Stop Saying “YES” To Everything

Sometimes, taking care of yourself is not so much what you do but what you don’t. In a polite society, we are conditioned to accept every challenge thrown at us. From taking on extra projects at work to agreeing to watch someone’s dog while they go on vacation, we are often pressured to inconvenience ourselves by our own desire to please. Remember that it’s okay to say “no,” especially if you already have something planned, even if it is just a night in.

Self-care doesn’t have to break the bank. The tips above, including getting dressed each morning and cooking your own gourmet meal, won’t negatively impact your budget but will have a positive effect on your overall well-being.

Shannon at Anam Cara Spa walks with you one Energetic Coaching Session, Reiki Treatment or Holistic Spa Service at a time and to be a vessel of LOVE that touches not just your skin, but your soul. Connect with us today!


Emma Grace Brown

Shannon Hall