Are You Everyone’s Cuppa Tea?


Learning to let go of the need to impress others who don’t like me is one of the most freeing things I’ve done for my self-growth and self-improvement.

I had a mentor once say to me, “Shannon, if everyone likes you you’re doing something wrong — you’re not honoring your soul’s truth.” She was bang on. I was trying to keep all of the balls in the air and everyone else happy except myself.

I’ve agonized over revamping my business to add energetic healing and energetic esthetics. Thoughts of what will people think! Has she gone crackers?? I mean it’s pretty much human nature to want to be liked and accepted by others. To tell you the truth, I think life would be so much easier if we all could just get along and like each other. But we don’t live in a world full of unicorns, fairies and constant sunshine and rainbows!

Not everyone is going to resonate with my offerings and soul soothing treatments — and I’m ok with that. I have challenged myself to let go of the need to impress anyone around me so you too can let go of the fear of being yourself. I want you to know you’re safe to be you in my sanctuary.

I have put myself out there and those who love and need what I offer will be right there to receive.

I don’t want to be everything to everyone. I want to be fully present, awake and here for you in service to help you experience truth, kindness and compassion in my treatment offerings. I offer you the integrity of my own soul so you can unravel and let go of what no longer is in your highest good.

It’s not a fluffy place. It’s a good place to find yourself, a safe haven for your spirit and a sanctuary to your soul.

I can wholeheartedly say I’m to the point in my life that I’m okay with not being everyone’s cup of tea. I refuse to keep wasting precious time worrying about it, and if this is something you’ve been struggling with I encourage you to do the same. It’s ok to let go and seek your tribe in your service providers, friends and family.

You’re someone’s cup of tea and they love you all the more for being uniquely YOU - unapologetically.

You’re precious. Authentic evolution requires growth, transparency and vulnerability as well as integrity.

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