Measuring The Health of Your Energetic System


A pendulum acts as an amplifier for the energy flow produced by each chakra. I like to observe how this energy manifests in the pendulum's swing because it gives me a great deal of information about your chakras.

Chakras are constantly adjusting as they go through different phases of opening and closing - adjusting and realigning to the overall body's ever-changing energy flows.

An open chakra is good, but a closed one is not necessarily bad. It is a function of the body's energy system to vary the energy that flows through these portals. There are times when a closed chakra is necessary to the overall health of the individual as it processes issues related to that chakra. That is why a full questionnaire and intake are an important part of a Reiki Treatment program as well.

The pendulum acts like a magnet, showing the electric field of the chakra and will rotate in unison with the person’s chakra. So it will rotate at the same speed and direction of the chakra.

  • If it is slow it means that the chakra is slow or slightly shut down.

  • If it is stopped the chakra is completely shut down.

  • If it bounces up and down or is choppy again this is an energy imbalance.

  • A healthy chakra should be rotating at an even energetic place, smoothly in one direction.

  • Healing is needed if the chakra is closed or slow.

I will often measure your Chakra Health before a treatment to confirm the feeling, emotional sluggishness or a blockage if there is one and I will measure after the treatment to see if there was any progress or change. I truly trust the Divine Life Force Energy to do what it innately does — in the highest good of each spiritual, mental, physical or emotional need of each client.

I truly love this work. Let me know when you’re ready to experience the healing journey of Reiki for yourself.

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