Winter Rest is Healthy


The winter blahs can certainly get you feeling sleepy, lethargic, and downright uninspired. It’s cold and dark, and people tend to get worn down from the holiday festivities. Rather than fighting the feeling that tells you to hibernate, why not listen to your body?

The idea of embracing winter has to start with allowing winter to embrace us. We tend to focus on the gloomy aspects of winter and longingly wait for summer to return — the time of vibrancy and activity.

But Winter is a beautiful time to enjoy simplicities like...

  • Choosing a day to stay in your pajamas and sleep when the body calls! Take naps and rest!

  • Nourish your body with warm foods — soups, stews, teas and warm root vegetables.

  • Add cinnamon to your coffee, oatmeal or teas for an added health benefit and winter taste. Cinnamon is an antioxidant.

  • Take a soothing Epsom salt bath! Fill the tub, light a candle and warm up your body before you snuggle into bed for a beautiful slumber.

  • Set intentions! Winter can be a great time of spiritual and personal growth, but if you aren’t intentional about the time, you may look up in the spring and realize you spent all winter binge-watching Netflix or checking social media on your phone.

There are so many ways you can use this time to bring growth....

Meditations, practicing yoga, reading or even just taking a walk in the winter woods are ways to connect with our souls and winter offerings.

Winter can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be a drudge. Winter can be filled with light, warmth, rest, and growth. It can be a special time of going within and caring for ourselves. It can be a time of comfort, well-being and joy.

Incorporate some of these ideas into your winter experience, and before you know it, the light of spring will return and you will be refreshed and ready.

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