New Year Gratitude & Blessings

Happy New Year Blessings! What are your beautiful intentions for 2021?

Bringing in the “new” is more readily available for the Universe to do when we can give gratitude to the old before releasing it. It is just how the energy works!

So here is to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.”

“May you have a prosperous New Year.” “Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year.” “May the New Year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.”

You have blessed my business this year with your loyalty, understanding and love during the changes that 2020 had brought to the world and this industry!

It was a little touch and go for awhile trying to find ways to stay afloat, creative and productive during the closures. You helped my little sanctuary by ~

💫 Staying in touch via email and social media messaging

💫 Watching my virtual tutorials on skincare and makeover tips

💫 Ordering + purchasing products to pick up curb side

💫 Opting for Distant Reiki Healing treatments until I could successfully reopen

💫 Complying to the new protocols put in place by WSBC and the Provincial Health Officer for the Beauty Industry

💫 You have helped me get through some challenges by just being yourselves, coming in.. and sharing your hearts and minds while holding space for me to share mine.

I am full of gratitude for the gift of time that 2020 has brought to my life to rebrand, revise and put into fruition some of the creative ideas I have had on the back burner for sometime in both my business + personal life.

It had definitely been a year to step into truth, resiliency and TRUST for many of us.

I am looking forward to seeing you and what 2021 will bring after all of the underground, personal work we have been doing - both wanted and what feels unwanted - yet necessary to move forward.

My Passion is still to walk with you one holistic facial treatment, Reiki treatment or energetic service at a time and to be a vessel of LOVE that touches not just your skin, but your soul.

My wish is for you to be soulfully nurtured and grounded at Anam Cara Spa.

Your time spent in the spa sanctuary is sacred.

Thank you for bringing your truth to the sanctuary. 2020 has been a mad year but I am so grateful I had you by my side throughout. ~


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